People: Alumni
Ioana Aanei 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: C. Chang Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Associate Director BD and Alliance Management, Scribe Therapeutics
Katie Abole 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Trauner Rotation #2: Groves Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Trauner Current Position:
Cheri Ackerman 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Hammond Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: C. Chang Current Position: Cofounder & CEO, Concerto Biosciences
Omer Ad 2012, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Taga Rotation #3: W. Zhang Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Senior Scientist, Biocatalysis, Merck
Nicholas Agard 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Scientist at Codexis
Paresh Agarwal 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Group Leader, Bioconjugate Development, Vaxcyte
Aaron Albers 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Chang Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Chang Current Position: Associate Director, Ambagon Therapeutics
Katherine Alfieri 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Wemmer Rotation #2: Groves Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: Groves Current Position:
Gabriela de Almeida 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Hammond Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Sarpong Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group
Kapil Amernath 2007, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Bustamante Rotation #3: Groves Thesis Lab: Flemming Current Position: Postdoc With Terry Hwa, UC San Diego, Further Training
Shion An 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Marqusee Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: Marqusee Current Position:
Meadow Anderson 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: H. Yang Thesis Lab: H. Yang Current Position: 2010-2012 AAAS Policy Fellow at US EPA
Mason Appel 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Zhang Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Senior Research Scientist, IDEAYA Biosciences
Madeline Arnold 2017, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Kaoru Sajio Rotation #2: Dave Savage Rotation #3: Helen Bateup Thesis Lab: Kaoru Saijo Current Position:
Allegra Aron 2012, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Isacoff Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: C. Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Denver
Omar Asmat 2016, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Carlos Bustamante Current Position: Senior Research Associate, Axbio, Inc.
Anna Asmundson 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Scientist at AllCells
Meera Atreya 2009, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Clark Rotation #3: Melis Thesis Lab: Clark Current Position: Director of EMEA Advisory & Senior Scientist, Carbon Direct
Cameron Baker 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Flannery Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Isacoff Thesis Lab: Flannery Current Position: Senior Scientist, Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc.
Matt Banghart 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Trauner Rotation #2: Kramer Rotation #3: Wemmer Thesis Lab: Trauner Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow with Bernardo Sabatini at Harvard
Jared Bard 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: A. Martin Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Kuriyan Thesis Lab: A. Martin Current Position: Helen Hay Whitney Fellow with D. Allan Drummond, University of Chicago
Emily Bartlett 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Sarpong Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Cate Current Position: Attending Medical School
Charlene Bashore 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Kuriyan Rotation #2: Berger Rotation #3: Martin Thesis Lab: Martin Current Position: Associate Director of Biochemistry, Eikon Therapeutics
Robyn Beckwith 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Berger Rotation #2: Alber Rotation #3: Martin Thesis Lab: Martin Current Position: Senior Director, Analytical Development, Quality Conrol & CMC, Nutcracker Therapeutics
William Beeson 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Clark Rotation #2: Williams Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Marletta and Cate Current Position: Founder and Exec. Director, Great Lakes Biotech Academy, Research Related
Christopher Behrens 2007, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Biotechnology Scientist, SutroVax Inc.
Sarah Bell-West 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Chang Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Isacoff Thesis Lab: Isacoff Current Position: Associate Director of Marketing, The Clorox Company
Jenna Bernard 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Wemmer Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Raymond Thesis Lab: Raymond Current Position: Data Scientist & Communications Manager, UCSF
Rachel Bernstein 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Klinman Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: Marletta/Kuriyan Thesis Lab: Marqusee Current Position: Freelance Science Writer and Associate Editor at PLoS ONE
Katie Berry 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Berger Thesis Lab: Doudna Current Position: NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School
Amanda Bischoff 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab: Matthew Francis Current Position: Scientist I High-Throughput Chemistry at Insitro
Jackie Blake-Hedges 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Keasling Rotation #3: Zhang Thesis Lab: Keasling Current Position: Scientist, Protein Biochemistry/Strain Engineering at Sutro Biopharma, Inc.
Jimmy Blair 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Marqusee Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Shokat Thesis Lab: Shokat Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Williams College
Michael Blaisse 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Tullman-Ercek Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position:
Steven Boggess 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Sanjay Kumar Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Senior Scientist, Lysosomal Biology at Denali Therapeutics
Lydia Boike 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Daniel Nomura Rotation #2: Daniel Nomura Rotation #3: Daniel Nomura Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura Current Position: Scientist II, Vicinitas Therapeutics
Daniel Brauer 2016, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Markita Landry Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Matt Francis Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Alanna Schepartz Lab, UC Berkeley
Thom Brewer 2012, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Hammond Thesis Lab: C. Chang Current Position: Principal Scientist, Genentech
Jack Bulat 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Nomura Rotation #3: Brenner Thesis Lab: TBA Current Position: Resident Physician, New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Abraham King Cada 2016, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Carlos Bustamante Rotation #2: Jim Hurley Rotation #3: Ahmet Yildiz Thesis Lab: Hurley/Bustamante Current Position: Postdoctoral IRTA Fellow, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Cristhian Canari Chumpitaz 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: David Wemmer Rotation #2: Eva Nogales Rotation #3: Carlos Bustamante Thesis Lab: Carlos Bustamante Current Position: Senior Scientist, Gilead Sciences
Aaron Cantor 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Kuriyan Rotation #2: Alber Rotation #3: Martin Thesis Lab: Kuriyan Current Position: Associate Director, Spotlight Therapeutics
Emma Caroll 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Jacob Corn Rotation #2: Dirk Hockemeyer Rotation #3: Susan Marqusee Thesis Lab: Susan Marqusee Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University
Sean Cater 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Collins Rotation #2: Bustamante Rotation #3: Cozzarelli/Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Scientist at Bio-Rad Laboratories
Ravi Chandrasekaran 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Doudna Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Francis/Bertozzi Current Position: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Henry Chang 2001, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Mathies Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at UCSF
Janice Chen 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #2: Susan Marqusee Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Jennifer Doudna Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, UCSF
Sarah Chen 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michael Marletta Rotation #2: Jonathan Rittle Rotation #3: Christopher Chang Thesis Lab: Chris Chang Current Position:
Rei Chi Chen 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: John Hartwig Thesis Lab: John Hartwig Current Position:
Tony Chen 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Alber Rotation #2: Doudna Rotation #3: Collins Thesis Lab: N/A Current Position: Urology Resident at University of Washington
Katelyn Connell 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: Wemmer Thesis Lab: Marqusee Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at UCSF
Alisha Contractor 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Miller Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Kramer Thesis Lab: Miller Current Position: Patent Agent, Choate
Michael Coyle 2008, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Wemmer Rotation #3: Liphardt Thesis Lab: Francis and Groves Current Position: Director, Protein Engineering, Life Edit Therapeutics
Oliver Davis 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: John Kuriyan Rotation #2: Roberto Zoncu Rotation #3: Daniel Nomura Thesis Lab: Roberto Zoncu Current Position: Cofounder and CTO, Mammoth Biosciences
Matt Davis 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Dueber Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Director, Biology, Aether Biomachines, Inc.
Stephanie Davis 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Marqusee Rotation #2: Tullman-Ercek Rotation #3: Dueber Thesis Lab: Tullman-Ercek Current Position: Scientist in Molecular Biolology at Next Interactions, Inc
Brittany (Daws) Benlian 2016, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Susan Marquesee Rotation #3: Diana Bautista Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Senior Scientist, Life Sciences R&D at PhenomeX
Karen Dehnert 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Ellman Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Chang Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Product Manager, BASF
John (Jack) Desmarais 2016, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: John Deuber Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab: Dave Savage Current Position: Computational postdoctoral fellow, Kinney lab, Spring Harbor Labs
Tyler Detomasi 2015, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Ehud Isacoff Rotation #3: Michael Marletta Thesis Lab: Chang/Marletta Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, UCSF
Bryan Dickinson 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Chang Rotation #3: Heald Thesis Lab: Chang Current Position: Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago
Andrew Dippel 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Michelle Chang Rotation #3: Ming Hammond Thesis Lab: Ming Hammond Current Position: Associate Principal Scientist, Biologics Engineering, AstraZeneca
Dylan Domaille 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Trauner Rotation #2: Chang Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Current Position: Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Mines
Ken Dong 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Klinman Rotation #2: Berger Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Berger Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at Genetech
Gregory Ducker 2007, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Shokat Rotation #3: Heald Thesis Lab: Shokat Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Utah
Katherine Engel 2007, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Alber Rotation #2: Elman Rotation #3: Kuriyan Thesis Lab: Kuriyan Current Position: Product Development Manager, Alamar Biosciences
Lisa Eshun-Wilson 2015, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Jim Hurley Rotation #2: Eva Nogales Rotation #3: Roberto Zoncu Thesis Lab: Eva Nogales Current Position: NSF Postdoctoral Researcher, Scripps Research
Aaron Esser-Kahn 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Keasling Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry at UC Irvine
Eric Estrin 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: A. Martin Rotation #2: Alber Rotation #3: Dueber Thesis Lab: Martin Current Position: Head of Biochemistry, Ansa Biotechnologies, Inc.
Nicole Fay 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Welch Rotation #2: Groves Rotation #3: Yildiz Thesis Lab: Groves Current Position: NTX-250 Product Lead, Nutcracker Therapeutics
Nathaniel Fernhoff 2004, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Klinman Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Postdoctoral Adviser at Stanford
Ryan Forster 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Tijan Rotation #3: Dirk Hockemeyer Thesis Lab: Dirk Hockemeyer Current Position:
Douglas Fox 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Groves Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Larabell Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: BSL3 Manager/Vaccine Project Coordinator, UC Berkeley
Jenna Franke 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Matthew Francis Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Assistant Professor, San Jose State University
Laura Fredriksen 2008, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Ellman Rotation #2: Raymond Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Department Manager, UC Berkeley Department of Chemistry
Joe Gallagher 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Zhang Rotation #3: Melis Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Senior Scientist, Profluent Bio
Derek M. Garcia 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Daniel Nomura Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Daniel Nomura Current Position:
Galo Garcia 2006, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Nogales Rotation #3: Bustamante Thesis Lab: Nogales Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar at UCSF
Jase Gehring 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Savage Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Dueber Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Technology Scientist, Arcadia Science
Anneliese Gest 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Markita Landry Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Scientist I High-Throughput Chemistry at Insitro
Josh Gilmore 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Keasling Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Post-doctorate at Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)
Jeff Glasgow 2009, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Tullman-Ercek Rotation #3: Kuriyan Thesis Lab: Tullman-Ercek and Francis Current Position: Staff Scientist, Regeneron
Jamie Gleason 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Sabeeha Merchant Thesis Lab: Matt Francis Current Position: Patent Agent, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Monica Gonzalez 2015, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Dan Nomura Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, David Olson Lab, UC Davis
Lisa Green 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Tinoco Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: Tinoco Current Position: Director at Common Crawl
Eric Greene 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: David Savage Rotation #2: Andy Martin Rotation #3: Ahmet Yildiz Thesis Lab: Andy Martin Current Position: Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University
Vincent Grenier 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Miller Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Isacoff Thesis Lab: Miller Current Position: Senior Chemist, Oxford Nanoimaging
Elizabeth Grossman 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ke Xu Rotation #2: Sarah Stanley Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Dan Nomura Current Position:
Padma Gunda 2005, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Shokat Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Doudna Current Position: Philomathia Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley
Jeff Hanson 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Cate Rotation #2: Wemmer Rotation #3: H. Yang Thesis Lab: H. Yang Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate with The Chang Group at UC Berkeley
Lucas Harrington 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: David Savage Rotation #3: Jennifer Doudna Thesis Lab: Jennifer Doudna Current Position: Cofounder and CSO, Mammoth Biosciences
Katie Hart 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: Krantz Thesis Lab: Marqusee Current Position:
Emily Hartman 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Danielle Tullman-Ercek Rotation #2: Jay Keasling Rotation #3: Matthew Francis Thesis Lab: Tullman-Ercek/ Francis Current Position: Research Lead, Patient Square Capital
Jessica Harvey 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Trauner Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Kramer Thesis Lab: Trauner Current Position: Investor Relations and Corporate Communications at Dynavax Technologies
Stavroula Hatzios 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Alber Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Postdoctorate at Harvard University
Alec Heckert 2015, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Susan Marqusee Rotation #2: Xavier Darzacq Rotation #3: David Savage Thesis Lab: Darzacq/Tjian Current Position: Software Engineer, Eikon Therapeutics
Charles Hespen 2010, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Cate Rotation #2: Portnoy Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Scientist, Revel Pharmaceuticals
Sean Higgins 2013, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Savage Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Miller Thesis Lab: Savage Current Position: Scientist, Scribe Therapeutics
Tracey Hinder 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Andreas Martin Rotation #2: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #3: Susan Marqusee Thesis Lab: Michael Marletta Current Position: Data Scientist, Metis
Helen Hobbs 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Susan Marqusee Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: John Kuriyan Thesis Lab: Marqusee/Kuriyan Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Patrick Holder 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Leary Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at MIT
Ben Horst 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Danielle Tullman-Ercek Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Michael Marletta Current Position: Protein Biochemist at Eikon Therapeutics
Hector Huang 2005, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Nogales Rotation #2: Berger Rotation #3: Groves Thesis Lab: Groves Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow at QB3
Sarah Hubbard 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Healy Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Life Sciences Strategy Consultant at L.E.K. Consulting
Jason Hudak 2007, Chemistry
Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Groves Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Research Scientist at Evelo Biosciences in Cambridge, MA
Naeem Husain 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Martin Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: N/A Current Position:
Keunhong Jeong 2012, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Pines Rotation #2: Wemmer Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Pines Current Position: Professor, Korea Military Academy
David Jones 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Savage Rotation #2: Zhang Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Keasling Current Position:
Stephanie Jones 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Raymond Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Lead Scientist, LanzaTech
Neel Joshi 2001, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Harvard University
Ryan Joyner 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Weis Rotation #2: Yildiz Rotation #3: Komeili Thesis Lab: Weis Current Position: Director, Health Care Consulting, Moss Adams
Mireille Kamariza 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Marqusee Rotation #2: Nogales Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at UCLA; OliLux Biosciences co-Founder
Jonathan Karr 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Xavier Darzacq Rotation #2: Herman Garcia Rotation #3: Robert Tjian Thesis Lab: Xavier Darzacq Current Position: Swanson Fellow, The Column Group
Colleen Kellenberger 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Cate Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Doudna Thesis Lab: Hammond Current Position: Associate Director, AbbVie
Samantha Keyser 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Miller Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Research Scientist, Peptide/Bioorganic Chemist, Eli Lilly and Company
Alexander Kintzer 2007, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Krantz Rotation #2: Isacoff Rotation #3: Nogales Thesis Lab: Krantz Current Position: Postdoctorate at Stanford University
Rebekah Kitto 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Ming Hammond Rotation #3: Richard Kramer Thesis Lab: Ming Hammond Current Position: Patent Agent, Choate, Hall and Stewart LLP
Sarah Klass 2015, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ming Hammond Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Markita Landry Thesis Lab: Matt Francis Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer, UC Berkeley
Pavel Klier 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #2: Chris Chang Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Advanced Imaging Specialist, Nikon Instruments, Inc
Abigail Knight 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Hammond Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Coscoy Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Spencer Knight 2012, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Doudna Thesis Lab: Doudna/Tjian Current Position:
Edward Koleski 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Berkeley
Vesna Kordic 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Raymond Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Cate Current Position:
Rishi Kulkarni 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Miller Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Miller Current Position: Director of Data Science, IntelyCare
Albert Lang 2006, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Marqusee Rotation #2: Klinman Rotation #3: Krantz Thesis Lab: Klinman Current Position: International Strategic Insights Manager, Tecentriq (atezolizumab, anti-PDL1) at Genentech
Luke Latimer 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Dueber Thesis Lab: Dueber Current Position: Co-founder, ZestBio Inc.
Scott Laughlin 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ellman Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Postdoctorate at UC Berkeley
Michael Lawson 2010, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Berger Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: Berger Current Position:
Julia Lazzari-Dean 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Ahmet Yildiz Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Scientist, Calico Life Sciences
Samuel Leachman 2009, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Geissler Rotation #2: Bustamante Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: Bustamante Current Position: NPI and Qualit Engineer, LUMICKS
Albert Lee 2016, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Ehud Isacoff Rotation #2: Chris Chang Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Current Position:
Jessica Lee 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: C. Chang Current Position: Senior Management Scientist, Exponent
Dana Levine 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Long Rotation #3: Holger Wille and Long Thesis Lab: Long Current Position: Senior Research Scientist, Gilead Sciences
David Litt 2012, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Xu Rotation #2: Groves Rotation #3: Alivisatos Thesis Lab: Alivisatos Current Position: Senior Scientist, Physical and Materials Chemistry, Quantum-Si
Pei Liu 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Christopher Chang Rotation #3: Ke Xu Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position:
Mira Liu 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Michelle Chang Rotation #2: Dave Savage Rotation #3: Jonathan Rittle Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang Current Position:
Charlie Liu 2007, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Tijan Rotation #2: Keasling Rotation #3: Clark Thesis Lab: Keasling Current Position: Director, Business Development & Operations at Stealth Mode Biotech Startup
Jim MacDonald 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Tullman-Ercek Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Senior Scientist, BioNTech
Katherine Mackenzie 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: C. Chang Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Senior Patent Agent, Genentech
Jorge Marchand-Benmaman 2013, Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering

Rotation #1: Tullman-Ercek Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Herr Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Kayli Martinez 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Jay Groves Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Sanjay Kumar Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Consultant, Boston Consulting Group
Johnathan Maza 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Dave Savage Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Matt Francis Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco
Jonathon McMurry 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Dueber Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Test Engineer, Ginkgo Bioworks
Ethan McSpadden 2012, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Collins Rotation #2: Nogales Rotation #3: Doudna Thesis Lab: Kuriyan Current Position: Principal Research Scientist, IDEAYA Biosciences
David McSwiggen 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: David Savage Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Xavier Darzacq Thesis Lab: Xavier Darzacq Current Position: Sr. Technology Access and Strategy Lead, Eikon Therapeutics
Carl Mieczkowski 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Leary Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Alber Thesis Lab: Alber Current Position: Senior Scientist at Johnson & Johnson
Evan Miller 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Chang Thesis Lab: Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley
Isaac Miller 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Kuriyan Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position:
Rebekah Miller 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Clark Rotation #2: Yang Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Senior Scientist at EMD Chemicals
Douglas Mitchell 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry at University of Illinois
Melissa Mott 2004, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Collins Rotation #2: Berger Rotation #3: Nogales Thesis Lab: Berger Current Position: University of Chicago Medical School
Ioannis Mountziaris 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position:
Riya Muckom 2013, Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering

Rotation #1: Clark Rotation #2: Schaffer Rotation #3: Schaffer/Clark Thesis Lab: Schaffer/Clark Current Position: Co-founder & Consultant, Axent Biosciences
Alex Muir 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Barton Rotation #2: Thorner Rotation #3: Shokat Thesis Lab: Thorner Current Position: Postdoc With Matthew Vander Heiden, MIT
Ryan Muller 2015, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Donald Rio Rotation #2: Nicholas Ingolia Rotation #3: Jamie Cate Thesis Lab: Nicholas Ingolia Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Whitehead Institute
Marisol Navarro 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Sabeeha Merchant Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position:
Nicole Navarro 2018, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Daniel Nomura Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: David Schaffer Thesis Lab: Markita Landry Current Position: Scientist III, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Robert Nichols 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ming Hammond Rotation #2: David Savage Rotation #3: Jennifer Doudna Thesis Lab: David Savage Current Position: Scientist II, Ansa Biotechnologies, Inc.
James Nunez 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Doudna Rotation #2: Berger Rotation #3: Martin Thesis Lab: Doudna Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley
Allie Obermeyer 2008, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Frechet Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Heald Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, Columbia University
Carl Onak 2009, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Doudna Thesis Lab: C. Chang Current Position: Director, Data Engineering, Beghou Consulting
Kanwal Palla 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Groves Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Associate Director of Biochemistry R&D, Slingshot Biosciences
Vanha Pham 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Dan Nomura Rotation #3: Michael Marletta Thesis Lab: Christopher Chang Current Position: Postdoc, Rabinowitz Lab, Princeton University
Lars Plate 2007, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Marletta Rotation #2: Klinman Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University
Andrew Presley 2002, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Thorner Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Patent Agent at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Benjamin Raliski 2015, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Dan Nomura Rotation #3: Evan Miller Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Scientist II, Ansa Biotechnologies
Karla Ramos-Torres 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Raymond Rotation #3: C. Chang Thesis Lab: C. Chang Current Position: Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School
Alex Ramsey 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Ming Hammond Thesis Lab: Matt Francis Current Position: Equity Research Associate, William Blair
Minxi Rao 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Cate Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Senior Patent Agent, Medler Ferro Woodhouse & Mills PLLC
Katherine Rawls 2005, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Ellman Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Chang Thesis Lab: Ellman Current Position: Senior Brand Manager, The Clorox Company
Audrey Reeves 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Dan Nomura Rotation #3: Dean Toste Thesis Lab: Christopher Chang Current Position: Assistant Director of Chemistry, Emery Pharma
Christopher Reyes 2009, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Wemmer Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: Krantz Thesis Lab: N/A Current Position: Patent Examiner at USPTO
Allison Roberts 2015, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Dan Nomura Current Position: Senior Scientist-Chemical Biology, Frontier Medicines
Peter Robinson 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: CSO and Co-founder, Enable Biosciences
Frances Rodriguez-Rivera 2011, Chemistry

Rotation #1: C. Chang Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Director of Biology, Covant Therapeutics
Sarah Rodriguez 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Keasling Rotation #3: Clark Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories
Dante Romanini 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Thorner Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Keasling Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Scientists at Columbia University
Tristan de Rond 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Taga Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Keasling Thesis Lab: Keasling Current Position: Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
Francisco Javier Hidalgo Ruiz 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Steve Brohawn Rotation #2: Matt Francis Rotation #3: Chris Chang Thesis Lab: John Kuriyan Current Position:
Jason Rush 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Trauner Rotation #2: Keasling Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at The Philips Research Group
Richard Rymer 2006, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Brem Rotation #2: Keasling Rotation #3: Berger Thesis Lab: Berger Current Position: Process Development Scientist at Bio-Rad Laboratories
Michael Sanchez 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Wurmser Rotation #2: Rine Rotation #3: Tijan Thesis Lab: Wurmser Current Position: Director, Health Care Consulting, Moss Adams
Rapeepat Sangsuwan 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Research Scientist, Chulabhorn Research Institute
Sam Shen 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Groves Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: Schekman Thesis Lab: Klinman Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at Stonybrook
Christina Shenvi 2001, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Ellman Rotation #2: Handel Rotation #3: Cate Thesis Lab: Cate Current Position: Residency in the Emergency Medicine Department at UNC
Peyton Shieh 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Doudna Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Senior Staff Scientist, PacBio
Alex Siegel 2008, Biophysics

Rotation #1: Berger Rotation #2: Wemmer Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: Wemmer Current Position: Postdoc With Shu-ou Shan, Caltech
Sue Sim 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Andy Martin Rotation #2: Eunyong Park Rotation #3: Stephen Brohawn Thesis Lab: Eunyong Park Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, UCSF
Sasilada Sirirungruang 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Evan Miller Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Michelle Chang Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Shih Lab, UC Berkeley
Elizabeth Smith 2008, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Healy Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Keasling Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Associate Director of Global Product Marketing, Illumina
Matthew Smith 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Miller Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Senior Scientist, Catalent Biologiste Emeryville
Kimberly Sogi 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Sarpong Rotation #3: Chang Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Assistant Director of Public Private Partnerships, Vir Biotechnology, Inc.
Olga Sokolovskaya 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Taga Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Taga Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Genentech
Jessica Spradlin 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Rotation #2: Rotation #3: Thesis Lab: Dan Nomura Current Position: Scientist II, Revolution Medicines
Samuel Sternberg 2009, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bustamante Rotation #2: Doudna Rotation #3: Martin Thesis Lab: Doudna Current Position: Assistant Professor, Columbia University Medical Center
Lisa Strong 2018, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Susan Marqusee Rotation #2: Britt Glaunsinger Rotation #3: Andreas Martin Thesis Lab: James Hurley Current Position: Scientist, Neomorph, Inc.
Yichi Su 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Hammond Rotation #2: Doudna Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Hammond Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford School of Medicine
Jeannette Tenthorey 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Martin Rotation #2: Marqusee Rotation #3: Vance Thesis Lab: Vance Current Position: Postdoc with Hermit Malik, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Ashley Thelen 2014, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Roberto Zoncu Rotation #2: Jim Hurley Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Roberto Zoncu Current Position: Senior Scientist, Cell Therapy/Gene Editing, Bristol Myers Squibb
Kershanthen Thevasundaram 2015, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Jacob Corn Rotation #2: Michelle Chang Rotation #3: Caroline Ajo-Franklin Thesis Lab: Michelle Chang Current Position: Head of Science, Clarity Technology
Benjamin Thuronyi 2009, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Williams College
Joshua Turnbull 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Matt Francis Rotation #2: Evan Miller Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Evan Miller Current Position: Scientist I, High-Throughput Chemistry, Insitro
Amy Twite 2008, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Ellman Rotation #2: Francis Rotation #3: Mathies Thesis Lab: Francis and Mathies Current Position: Director of Chemistry, Valitor Inc.
Heather Upton 2010, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Glaunsinger Rotation #2: Alber Rotation #3: Martin Thesis Lab: Alber Current Position: Senior Scientist, Addition Therapeutics
Sandra Villa 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Leary Rotation #2: Mathies Rotation #3: H. Yang Thesis Lab: Leary / Keasling Current Position: Part-time lecturer at CSU Fullerton
Patrick Visperas 2007, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Berger Rotation #2: Bustamante Rotation #3: Shokat Thesis Lab: Kuriyan Current Position: Director, Scorpion Therapeutics
Matt Volgraf 2003, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Trauner Rotation #3: Marletta Thesis Lab: Trauner Current Position: Scientist at Genetech
Mark Walker 2007, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Cate Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico
Joy Wang 2017, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Jennifer Doudna Rotation #2: Chris Chang Rotation #3: Dave Savage Thesis Lab: Jennifer Doudna Current Position:
Xin (Cindy) Wang 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Hammond Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Savage Thesis Lab: Hammond Current Position: Biotech Investor, Longitude
Fred Ward 2015, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Michael Marletta Rotation #2: David Savage Rotation #3: Jamie Cate Thesis Lab: Jamie Cate Current Position: Scientist, Initial Therapeutics
Carl Ward 2015, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Dan Nomura Rotation #3: Markita Landry Thesis Lab: Dan Nomura Current Position: NIH K00 Postdoc at Gladstone Institute (Alex Marson)
Zoe Watson 2014, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Susan Marqusee Rotation #2: Jamie Cate Rotation #3: Teresa Head-Gordon Thesis Lab: Jamie Cate Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Blanchard Lab, St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital
Amy Weeks 2007, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Klinman Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Doudna Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kiera Wilheim 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Groves Rotation #2: Ginsberg Rotation #3: Bustamante Thesis Lab: Groves Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, UW Madison
Erica Wilson 2004, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Trauner Rotation #3: Berger Thesis Lab: Dirk Trauner Current Position:
Steven Wilson 2010, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Tullman-Ercek Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: C. Chang Thesis Lab: Hammond Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Lindquist Lab, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Michael Winter 2006, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Cate Rotation #2: Marletta Rotation #3: Marqusee Thesis Lab: Marletta Current Position: Scientist II at CytomX Therapeutics
Lea Witkowsky 2009, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Tijan Rotation #2: Bustamante Rotation #3: Berger Thesis Lab: Tijan Current Position: Executive Director, UC Berkeley Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public
Kristen Witt 2017, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Russel Vance Rotation #2: Jim Harley Rotation #3: Dan Nomura Thesis Lab: Russell Vance Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Vance Lab, UC Berkeley
Leah Witus 2007, Chemistry
Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Kramer Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Associate Professor of Chemistry at Macalester College
Evan Worden 2011, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Martin Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Nogales Thesis Lab: Martin Current Position: Assistant Professor, Van Andel Institute
Vanessa Yang 2016, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Chris Chang Rotation #2: Markita Landry Rotation #3: Matt Francis Thesis Lab: Matt Francis Current Position: Business Development Profesisonal, Kezar Life Sciences, Inc.
Santiago Yori 2017, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Eva Nogales Rotation #2: Stephen Brohawn Rotation #3: Andreas Martin Thesis Lab: Andreas Martin Current Position:
Hanadie Yousef 2008, Molecular and Cell Biology
Rotation #1: Schaffer Rotation #2: Cate Rotation #3: Wurmser Thesis Lab: Schaffer Current Position: CEO and Co-Founder, Juvena Therapeutics