People: Alumni
Jackie Blake-Hedges 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Keasling Rotation #3: Zhang Thesis Lab: Keasling Current Position: Scientist, Protein Biochemistry/Strain Engineering at Sutro Biopharma, Inc.
Alisha Contractor 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Miller Rotation #2: Bertozzi Rotation #3: Kramer Thesis Lab: Miller Current Position: Patent Agent, Choate
Vincent Grenier 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Miller Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Isacoff Thesis Lab: Miller Current Position: Senior Chemist, Oxford Nanoimaging
Sean Higgins 2013, Molecular and Cell Biology

Rotation #1: Savage Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Miller Thesis Lab: Savage Current Position: Scientist, Scribe Therapeutics
Samantha Keyser 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Miller Rotation #2: Hammond Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Bertozzi Current Position: Research Scientist, Peptide/Bioorganic Chemist, Eli Lilly and Company
Rishi Kulkarni 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Bertozzi Rotation #2: Miller Rotation #3: Francis Thesis Lab: Miller Current Position: Director of Data Science, IntelyCare
Jorge Marchand-Benmaman 2013, Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering

Rotation #1: Tullman-Ercek Rotation #2: M. Chang Rotation #3: Herr Thesis Lab: M. Chang Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Riya Muckom 2013, Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering

Rotation #1: Clark Rotation #2: Schaffer Rotation #3: Schaffer/Clark Thesis Lab: Schaffer/Clark Current Position: Co-founder & Consultant, Axent Biosciences
Rapeepat Sangsuwan 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: C. Chang Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Research Scientist, Chulabhorn Research Institute
Matthew Smith 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Francis Rotation #2: Miller Rotation #3: M. Chang Thesis Lab: Francis Current Position: Senior Scientist, Catalent Biologiste Emeryville
Olga Sokolovskaya 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: M. Chang Rotation #2: Taga Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Taga Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Genentech
Yichi Su 2013, Chemistry

Rotation #1: Hammond Rotation #2: Doudna Rotation #3: Bertozzi Thesis Lab: Hammond Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford School of Medicine